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How to Set Up and Configure Email Services in QuickBooks

· 6 min read


Manually entering invoices into QuickBooks Desktop can be time-consuming, especially for businesses that generate a high volume of transactions. Fortunately, QuickBooks Desktop allows you to import invoices in bulk using Excel or CSV files, saving you time and reducing the risk of data entry errors. This guide will walk you through the process of importing invoices into QuickBooks Desktop, ensuring accuracy and efficiency in your accounting workflow.

Why Import Invoices into QuickBooks Desktop?

  1. Efficiency: Importing invoices in bulk saves time and effort compared to manual data entry.
  2. Accuracy: Reduces the chances of human errors when entering data manually.
  3. Seamless Integration: Importing invoices from a spreadsheet ensures that all relevant data is transferred to QuickBooks without missing information.

Step 1: Prepare Your Invoice Data

1.1: Use a Supported File Format

To import invoices into QuickBooks Desktop, your invoice data must be in one of the following formats:

  • Excel Spreadsheet (.xlsx)
  • Comma-Separated Values (.csv)
  • Intuit Interchange Format (.iif)

If your data is in another format, convert it to one of these before proceeding. Excel (.xlsx) or CSV (.csv) files are the most commonly used for invoice imports.

1.2: Organize the Invoice Data

  1. Ensure Consistency: Organize your data with consistent column headers for each field (e.g., Invoice Number, Customer Name, Date, Amount, Item, Quantity, etc.).
  2. Mandatory Fields:
    • Invoice Number: Unique identifier for each invoice.
    • Customer Name: Name of the customer as it appears in QuickBooks.
    • Date: The date of the invoice.
    • Amount: The total amount for each invoice.
    • Item: Line items being invoiced, including the item description and quantity.

1.3: Review Data for Accuracy

  1. Check for Errors: Before importing, review your data for common errors such as missing fields, incorrect dates, or duplicated invoice numbers.
  2. Format Dates Correctly: Ensure that all dates are formatted as MM/DD/YYYY or another format that QuickBooks recognizes.

Step 2: Set Up QuickBooks Desktop for Importing

2.1: Enable Import Features in QuickBooks Desktop

  1. Log in to QuickBooks Desktop: Open QuickBooks Desktop and log into your company file.
  2. Access the Import Menu:
    • Click File in the top menu.
    • Select Utilities > Import.
    • Choose the appropriate option based on your file format, such as Excel Files or IIF Files.

2.2: Backup Your Company File

Before importing any data, it is always recommended to back up your QuickBooks company file. This ensures that you can restore your file in case any issues occur during the import process.

  1. Go to File > Back Up Company.
  2. Create Local Backup: Select Create Local Backup and follow the prompts to create a backup copy of your company file.

Step 3: Import Invoices from Excel or CSV

3.1: Use the Add/Edit Multiple List Entries Feature

  1. Go to Add/Edit Multiple List Entries:
    • In QuickBooks, go to Lists in the top menu and select Add/Edit Multiple List Entries.
  2. Select Invoices:
    • Choose Invoices from the drop-down list. This will open a template with fields corresponding to your invoice data.
  3. Copy and Paste Data:
    • Copy your invoice data from the Excel or CSV file.
    • Paste it into the corresponding fields in the QuickBooks template.
  4. Review and Save:
    • Review the data for accuracy.
    • Click Save Changes once you’re satisfied with the data.

3.2: Import Invoices via the Import Excel and CSV Tool

  1. Go to File > Utilities > Import > Excel Files:
    • Select Advanced Import if prompted.
  2. Select Your Excel or CSV File:
    • Browse and select the Excel or CSV file that contains your invoice data.
  3. Map the Fields:
    • QuickBooks will prompt you to map the columns in your spreadsheet to QuickBooks fields (e.g., Invoice Number, Customer Name, Date, Amount, etc.).
    • Ensure that each field in your spreadsheet corresponds to the correct QuickBooks field.
  4. Review and Import:
    • After mapping the fields, review the data to ensure it’s accurate.
    • Click Import to upload the invoices into QuickBooks.

Step 4: Import Invoices Using IIF Files

If you are using an IIF file, follow these steps:

4.1: Prepare an IIF File

  1. Format the File Correctly: Ensure your IIF file is formatted according to QuickBooks specifications. An IIF file should have the necessary headers and correctly structured data.
  2. Download the IIF Import Kit: QuickBooks provides an IIF Import Kit that contains instructions and sample files for preparing IIF files.

4.2: Import the IIF File

  1. Go to File > Utilities > Import > IIF Files:
    • Choose Import IIF Files.
  2. Select Your IIF File:
    • Browse for the IIF file and select it for import.
  3. Complete the Import:
    • QuickBooks will process the import. Review the on-screen messages to confirm that the data was successfully imported.
    • If there are errors, QuickBooks will provide a report that highlights any issues with the file.

Step 5: Verify the Imported Invoices

5.1: Review the Invoices in QuickBooks

  1. Go to Customer Center: In the left-hand navigation, select Customers and then click on the Customer Center.
  2. Review Invoices: Look through the customer list and verify that the invoices were imported correctly for each customer.
  3. Check Invoice Details: Open a few invoices to ensure that all fields, such as the invoice number, items, quantities, and amounts, were imported accurately.

5.2: Run a Report to Verify

  1. Run a Sales Report:
    • Go to Reports > Sales > Sales by Customer Summary.
    • Review the report to confirm that the imported invoices are reflected correctly in the sales totals.
  2. Check for Duplicate Entries:
    • Ensure that no duplicate invoices were created during the import process.

Step 6: Troubleshooting Common Import Issues

6.1: Fix Data Mapping Errors

  • Incorrect Field Mapping: If your data doesn’t import correctly, it could be due to incorrect field mapping. Go back to the mapping step and ensure all fields match the appropriate QuickBooks fields.

6.2: Resolve File Formatting Issues

  • File Format Errors: Ensure your Excel or CSV file is formatted correctly, with no missing headers or incorrect column formats.

6.3: Check for Customer Setup

  • Missing Customers: If any invoices fail to import, it could be because the customer was not set up in QuickBooks. Ensure all customers are listed in QuickBooks before attempting the import.


Importing invoices into QuickBooks Desktop can streamline your workflow and reduce the manual entry workload, especially for businesses handling a high volume of transactions. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can prepare, import, and verify your invoices with ease. Whether you are using Excel, CSV, or IIF files, the process is straightforward and helps keep your accounting records accurate and up to date.