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QuickBooks is widely recognized for its pivotal role in facilitating small to medium-sized businesses with their accounting tasks. However, users might sometimes face the daunting Error Code H202, which disrupts multi-user operational capabilities. This guide aims to dissect the essence of Error H202, exploring its causative factors and providing a meticulously curated set of solutions to navigate through and resolve the issue, ensuring a seamless workflow within the QuickBooks environment.

Deciphering QuickBooks Error Code H202

Error Code H202 emerges when a user attempts to access a QuickBooks company file located on another computer, and the software cannot establish a connection to the server. It indicates that the system hosting the file is unreachable, preventing users from accessing the file in multi-user mode. The root causes of this error are multifaceted, including:

  • Network Connectivity Problems: Inadequate network connection or incorrect settings can hinder communication between computers.
  • QuickBooks Database Server Manager Issues: Malfunctions within the Database Server Manager might prevent it from correctly configuring or connecting to the company file.
  • Firewall Settings: An overly restrictive firewall may block communication between QuickBooks and the server.
  • DNS Configuration Errors: Incorrect DNS settings can lead to resolution and connectivity issues.
  • Damaged or Misconfigured .ND Files: The .ND (Network Data) file, which enables QuickBooks to access a file in a network, might be damaged or improperly configured.

Methodical Solutions to Overcome Error H202

Tackling Error H202 requires a structured approach to identify and remedy the underlying causes effectively. Below is a compilation of strategies designed to mitigate this error:

Solution 1: Test Network Connectivity

Begin by testing the network connectivity between the host and the workstation. A simple ping test can help ascertain connectivity and latency issues.

  1. From the workstation, open the command prompt.
  2. Type ping [hostname], where [hostname] is the name of the server computer, and press Enter.
  3. Observe the ping results for any loss or high latency that could indicate network problems.

Solution 2: Utilize the QuickBooks File Doctor Tool

The QuickBooks File Doctor Tool can diagnose and resolve common issues related to network connectivity and company file access.

  1. Download and install the QuickBooks Tool Hub.
  2. Run the Tool Hub and navigate to the “Company File Issues” tab.
  3. Click on “Run QuickBooks File Doctor” and select your company file.
  4. Choose the option for fixing network issues and follow the on-screen instructions.

Solution 3: Configure Firewall and Antivirus Settings

Ensure that your firewall and antivirus settings are not obstructing QuickBooks communications.

  1. Adjust your firewall settings to allow exceptions for QuickBooks.
  2. Configure your antivirus software to exclude QuickBooks-related files from its scan list.

Solution 4: Check the QuickBooks Database Server Manager

The QuickBooks Database Server Manager must be correctly installed and running on the server hosting the company file.

  1. On the server computer, open the QuickBooks Database Server Manager and scan the folder where the company file is stored.
  2. Ensure that the server manager is running. If not, restart the service and check for Error H202 again.

Solution 5: Repair .ND Files

Incorrectly configured or damaged .ND files can cause Error H202.

  1. Navigate to the folder containing the QuickBooks company file.
  2. Locate the corresponding .ND file—it should have the same name as the company file with an .ND extension.
  3. Delete the .ND file and use the QuickBooks Database Server Manager to rescan the folder, which will automatically create a new .ND file.

Solution 6: Verify DNS Settings

Ensure that the DNS settings on both the server and workstation are correctly configured for optimal communication and name resolution.

  1. On both the server and workstation computers, open the Control Panel and navigate to Network and Sharing Center > Change adapter settings.
  2. Right-click the network connection and select Properties.
  3. Select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and click Properties.
  4. Verify that the DNS settings are correct, or consult with your network administrator for the appropriate configuration.


QuickBooks Error Code H202, while challenging, can be resolved through a systematic and thorough approach to troubleshooting. By addressing the root causes of the error as outlined in this guide, businesses can restore and maintain efficient multi-user access to company files in QuickBooks, ensuring uninterrupted financial management and operations.